Dr. Kensuke Akao
After completing his Master's degree at Tokai University in Japan, Dr. Kensuke Akao worked for seven years at Kyoto University as a technical assistant before coming to Germany in 2015 to work at the University of Münster on the study "Harmonizing the strengths of e-learning and face-to-face courses in the context of
Teacher training in computer science". He gained further research experience at TU Dortmund University, where he researched inclusive computer science teaching. As part of TEIFUN, he works on the I-KASA project, which bridges the gap between the University of Stuttgart and the Ludwigsburg University of Teacher Education. In Stuttgart, he works not only at the Institute of Educational Science, but also at the Institute of Software Engineering; at the Ludwigsburg site, he is based at the Institute of Computer Science. Dr. Kensuke Akao's research focuses on strengthening integration and inclusion in schools. Against this background, he will explore the potential and limitations of AI in the context of TEIFUN to reduce language barriers for pupils with a non-German native language. In addition to his experience with the development of digital media and assistive technology, he will also draw on his scientific expertise in approaches to inclusive computer science teaching, combining aspects of information technology and educational science.
I-KASA - Computer science lessons using AI applications for school children from abroad
University of Stuttgart
Institute for Educational Science and Institute for Software Engineering
@ kensuke.akao@iste.uni-stuttgart.de
Ludwigsburg University of Education
Institute for Computer Science
@ kensuke.akao@ph-ludwigsburg.de
Project-related publications:
Akao, Kensuke: "AI-based support to reduce language barriers for children with non-German heritage language". The 22nd Educational Technologies Conference of the GI Educational Technologies Division (DELFI) 2024, Fulda 2024, pp. 467-472.(DOI: 10.18420/delfi2024_43)